I Am Who I Say I Am
I Am Who I Say I Am

Canada Welcomed Me, But Not My Culture
What might strike you first when you meet me? Maybe my eyes, the slightness of my hands, my skin color? Maybe the way I slur my Korean?

More Than a Nickname
Sai Gayathri Kurup. That was the name given to me by my family 28 days after I was born. The naming ceremony is an important ritual for us as a religious Hindu family.

Mispronouncing Wang, From Yellow Peril supports Black Power to #asians4blacklives
My full name is Dorothy Luting Wang. I was born in the US to Chinese immigrants. My parents decided to give me an English first name “for the sake of people calling your name.

Reclaiming Shaheda
"My birth name was given to me by my grandfather, a man I loved dearly. 'Shaheda', derived from 'Shahadah', means faith.

I don’t believe in physical flaws, because there is no such thing. Pointless beauty standards have made you believe that there is.

Why I Changed My Name: Stories From 3 Women
3 Asian women have shared stories about coming to terms with their given names. Some changed it. Some were ashamed of it. But they have all learned to embrace it, and embrace their culture. And so can you.