I Am Who I Say I Am
I Am Who I Say I Am

Creativity in Action
Creativity to me means one's vision and imaginative drive. One's creativity is sparked once an interest is gained.

Chinese Artist Talks Representation in the Art World
When it comes to the art world, sometimes all you can do is stare and gawk at how erratic paint splotches and unassuming household objects sell for millions of dollars as “fine art”.

Creating Me: A Journey to Living Freely
With $50 and a couple bags of belongings, my parents immigrated to the United States from China to craft the future they dreamed of for themselves and my siblings and I. That was their ambition.

Ambire: To Go About
When I didn’t start speaking by the time I was 3, my parents wanted to test me for learning disabilities.

I used to wish that my skin was lighter. I’d spend my days praying for good riddance to my bile skin and replenishment with milky white.

Walking Uphill
To be honest, I don't think I’ve ever really truly found my confidence and had it stick. Being confident seems to just come to some people.