I Am Who I Say I Am
I Am Who I Say I Am

During the summer of 2019, I went to a 3-weeks summer camp at Stanford University. It is there that I realized how fortunate I was to be living in America and getting an elite American education.

Self Portrait
Kept in a cardboard box in the attic, filled to the brim with colorful drawings and old report cards, is all of the work from the beginning of my school career.

A Family Man
When he was 16, my grandfather pedaled his beat-up Hero bicycle six miles every day to deliver lunch to his father and his brother, who worked the rice fields outside a small village in Southeastern India.

Asiatic Pixie Dream Girl
“You’re, like, the whitest Asian person I’ve ever met. Like, you don’t even qualify as Asian at this point; you’re just another white girl in an Asian body.”

Asian Expectations
Coming into this life, we never know what to expect. We think we’ll build this amazing life for us, just to find out that society and our families have already laid out what is bound to happen.