In My Body
In My Body
TV-Character Inspired Makeup Looks (Part 1)
Like most people, I’ve watched a lot of TV shows. Since I’m an only child, I didn’t have anyone to play or fight with growing up.
Holiday Glam
It’s important we help keep tradition alive. If we lose tradition, we lose our roots and risk forgetting what generations before have done.
The Commoditization of Wellness & How to Practice Self-Care for Free
I have bought my fair share of face masks, yoga classes, massages, and healing crystals over the past year.
Beyond Bubble Baths: The Stressful Side of Self-Care
It’s nearing finals season and I’m struggling to find balance, because self care always seems to drop off as a priority the busier and more stressful my schedule becomes.
A Contradictory Guide to Self-Care
Self-care looks different to everyone and takes many shapes and forms. We’re told to say yes to a night out, but also no for a night in.
Deconstructing Self-Care Culture
More often than not, we find ourselves caught up in our own busy lives that can spiral into chaos.