Well With My Soul
Well With My Soul

Jack of all Trades
Several unfinished drafts of untitled documents waiting in the drive. A library of books all earmarked at varying degrees of doneness from the end. Multitudes of notes left to transcribe; from audio to analog or analog to digital, all sitting in the in-between of understandable and utter nonsense. Which brings us to now. Welcome to the latest entry in the catalogued catacombs of my creative productivity.

Confessions of an Overachiever
It was a room full of about twenty new grad students, and I was but one of two Asians in it. In retrospect there was nothing wrong with this, but at the time I couldn’t help but feel a despairing sense of imposter syndrome: I couldn’t help but question if I belonged there, if I was in over my head, and if I needed to “stay in my lane” and be happy what how things were.

Creativity, Unproductivity, and my Desi Demons
I come from a family of artists. My father makes films, my mother dances, one of my grandmothers is an actress, the other a skilled knitter. Ever since I was young, I was encouraged to dream about a future where I could spend everyday writing or painting. Yet, when the time came for me to choose my path for uni, I firmly decided against it. A creative career felt out of reach for me when the sight of a blank page would induce so much anxiety in me that I would rip it to shreds before I could even make the first mark. The things I loved doing became my worst nightmare, causing me to snuff them out before they could burn me. But my desire to connect with my own creativity never died out.