Well With My Soul

Well With My Soul

You Won’t Steal My Spirit
The 2020 Issue Katrina Romero Tran The 2020 Issue Katrina Romero Tran

You Won’t Steal My Spirit

This year has been one of brokenness, a time to inwardly retreat as we outwardly forge forward in this calamity of a year. 2020 has reeled me into some of the darkest recesses of my mind, revisiting dark, melancholy possibilities I hadn’t entertained in years.

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What I've learnt this year
The 2020 Issue Nimisha Sharma The 2020 Issue Nimisha Sharma

What I've learnt this year

2020. Well, it’s been a slight shitstorm to be frank… I think it’s safe to say that for all of us, this year has been unprecedented. We’ve been plunged head-first into a world of lockdowns, masks and social distancing. ‘Normal’ life as we knew it seems to have changed for the foreseeable future.

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