Stardust Soda

the stars are violently absent during the day 

shrouded in light to hide the decay.

darkened clouds drunk on rain, 

asteroids, comets crashing into terrain. 

thus the world with a thousand suns

is reduced to one, when the war's come and done. 

there is a name to this body

strings that attach to it.

flesh and bone to bind it,

drenched in emotion and wrapped in gauze;

presented without any real cause.

a treasure, muses a cacophony of voices,

or a beast tucked away, hushed folklore


tired eyes, weary heart, 

dimming lights, off the marks.

trudging through endlessly 

i swallow down these useless pleas.

choke them down, toss it back 

till the heart cries out at last.

a shattered dream, broken seams

cradling these blithe thoughts

as dawn breaks, the skies beam. 

i dreamt of lips on mine,

framing the love you press

into picture perfect nothingness.

perhaps it is not much of anything,

not in such a loveless world during a loveless time.

and thus desperation rots,

pours out the slots,

of a cracked, shriveling heart.

rakes its claws down the spot,

drags me up from hell’s spawn,

curls a sneer against the small

of my back, chills long gone.

stars scattered, glass tempered,

desperate measures; answers surrendered.

i am a dying star, nameless.

Catherine Wan

Catherine “Calix” Wan is a Chinese American writer based in Los Angeles, California. When not reading, she’ll be found writing instead. Their poetry has been published before in Visions of Unity for 2020.


Ships in the Night


life to lemons