“Love in Translation” Kelly Lin Poetry

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you can stop holding up

your perfected native accent as a shield

to hide your yellow skin.

you will make something of yourself,

your life does not end at twenty-one,

i promise.

and just know that there is always time to change,

you’ve already achieved so much—

i know you’ve never been well-versed

in patience, but just take this leap of faith.

you can stop

living your life

like you’re trying

to pay back a pay check,

like you’re an investment.

you are as real as

the glass of the windowpane

and your body is yours,

only yours—

holy and blooming.

words you write are timeless,

and solely yours,

so do not be afraid of death,

for even in death you haven’t truly gone

from this earth.

the love you have brimming,


within you is more than enough

and was always there

long before anyone ever arrived

to make you realise just how much of it

there was inside of you—

press it to your cheek

like a promised ring,

it’s yours,

it’s yours.

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(Inspired by Lemoney Snicket’s Beatrice Letters)

i will love you if i never see you again

and i will love you if i see you every Saturday 

whether by plane or Eurostar. 

i will love you as the Atlantic Ocean loves to kiss the East Coast of the U.S.; 

my letters in a bottle floating on the sea foam. 

i will love you in the face of natural disaster 

and i will love you if the planet 

never takes its rage out on us. 

i will love you like a critter loves the light 

and i will love you if we only have the night. 

i will love you like the fireplace loves company 

and the wind loves the breeze, the bark, the leaves. 

i will love you until the Notre-Dame is rebuilt 

(and burned down again someday).

i will love you like cars love the open road. 

i will love you until America trades in Fahrenheit for Celsius. 

i will love you on Jupiter, on Mars. 

i will love you even if my face begins to 


in your memory, 

despite your vow to never forget it.

i will love you 

if you think of me every sunset 

and i will love you 

if in a year’s time, my name has been lost from your tongue. 

no matter the coastline, city, even the suburb. perhaps even the suburb of someone you end up marrying, i will love you. 

even if you don’t remember. 

even if i never make it to next spring, 

to never flower in your mind. 

even if you don’t remember me, 

whether in a week 

or a decade, 


is how i will still love you 

even as the world goes on its wicked way.

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we are standing at the edge of the world where nothing bad can happen to us

some people call this place Strand but 

I call it a miracle that touches the land

our feet are cooled by the unsure sand where the Atlantic has been welcomed back

my hands are delighted by the treasures the water reveals as it returns to itself

smoothed stone and shining shells

iridescent in the shy September sun 

a caw overhead mingles with the hush of wave and the 

amapiano playing from the red golf GTI

it’s too windy here for the picnic we planned

our home is full of surprises

people say the waves are capricious 

the wind doesn’t get nearly as many complaints

we share this moment

we share this land

I hold up my thumb and index fingers on both my hands and

make a frame out of the sky

where we see castles and candy and Jack climbing the beanstalk high in the clouds

there is always something to love

I hear you say

as we watch two dogs play in the water

and we can be dreamers again

September 2022,

Cape Town, South Africa

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These poems have come from my contemplation on identity, my existence in the world, who I am to others as well as myself. As someone who has moved around a lot in my life, this work is inspired by the idea of journeys and what it means to return to a place. What makes something a home?

This is part of a collection inspired by psychogeography that I’m currently working on in my Creative Writing Masters program. You can view other work by me on my Instagram account @lovebykel.

About the Poet

Currently, I am pursuing my happiness in the arts after gruelling years of law school. I moved across the globe to Paris to study a creative writing master’s program. In my free time you can find me dabbling in other forms of media namely: learning how to paint and digitally draw, taking film photos, singing, podcasting and vlogging. I am also engaging in the growing community of Role-Playing Games (RPG’s), specifically playing Dungeons and Dragons. Since immigrating to Europe, I’ve been embracing the scary idea of solo travelling and making the most of my time here before my VISA expires. Otherwise, I am always looking for a bit of sun and a garden to read in! You can view other work by me on my Instagram account @lovebykel. 


Instagram: @lovebykel


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