In Love/Heartbroken

In love:

1. impress me?

You don’t have to impress me.

Every string you pluck does not compare to the music of your voice

Your voice is the sound that I long for when everything just seems to suck

It’s the tone that I want to listen to every night as I rest my head on your arms because they’re somehow warmer than any pillow ever known

Trying to impress me will change nothing because everything you sketch cannot fathom how much of a masterpiece you are

You’re the only painting I would flaunt to the world, the only art I would display in the museum of my life

Oh you wouldn’t be able to impress me

Have you seen the person in the mirror?

Their mind overpowers all the wisest men

It’s the home I’ve been running from all my life,

the most beautiful thing I'll forever be grateful to have been in

2. sand

We’re like words written in the sand

with hope that every stroke will last a lifetime

but tides come and waves flow,

washing all of us into the sea as if we never existed

so hold on to every grain, every memory

let go and let the current lead us to where we’re supposed to be


1. my world

I’ve never felt love quite like you before

I’ve smiled wider than the skies we used to gaze into, but I’d always end up staring at the scenery i prefer, you

now, it’s just darkness up there

no stars to align

no moon to brighten up my horizon

no you to lie here next to me

to tell me that “it’s alright.

the darkness will pass. there’s gonna be a new day waiting to amaze us”

the thing is, you’re my sky

you’re my star

you’re my moon

you’re my light

when you faded, so did my world

2. the jacket

Do you remember the time you wore my jacket, noticed how comfortable it was, and decided to keep it?

Well, I forgot about it until today.

Who would have thought that a simple “ding dong”

could bring back so many memories.

A simple “ding dong”

could bring you back with the symbols of what I thought that four letter word meant because we all know that gifts was the only language i could speak.

As you hand over a box filled with pieces that were reminders of me

the only words I could utter were

“keep them”.

keep them, throw them, burn them

it doesn’t matter

Keep them like how you kept me hoping for so long.

Throw them like how you threw away the could haves and would haves.

Burn them like how you burned my walls down.

It doesn’t matter anymore

It’s not as if you can come back and hand over a box filled with pieces of me i lost


to the boy in 4th period


Night Nurse