My Tears Ricochet (Madina’s Version)

Despite being categorized as a gothic rock song, My Tears Ricochet is poignant and sorrowful, words that could describe her whole album Folklore. The introspective nature of her album makes it romantic, yet terribly tragic, and My Tears Ricochet seems to be representative of that. Taylor Swift herself stated that she wrote this song to describe a “relationship [ending] in a messy, upsetting way.” According to her own words, apart from her personal life, she was heavily influenced by stories in movies, books, and other fictional works. There are many fans who try to understand what her lyrics mean and who she refers to in her artwork. Is it about a loss of ownership? Her romantic life or possibly professional life? Although it can be an interesting topic for discussion, what gets my attention is how perfectly she captures the feelings of betrayal and hurt. It is almost eerie to hear your deep, dark feelings and thoughts put into words in such a beautiful manner. 

Let me just preface by saying I have heard My Tears Ricochet quite a few times, but it’s never been my top pick. In all fairness, what truly drew me in are the lyrics and I didn’t pay attention to them till much later. Initially, I viewed this track as a break up song about a romantic heartbreak and pain of losing your significant other on bad terms. It could still be that for many and it wouldn’t be wrong in any way. I don’t ever think songs, or any narratives in fiction, can ever be wrong in meaning.

There was a period of time where I would listen to Taylor Swift’s songs on repeat and listen to the lyrics. My Tears Ricochet opened up to me from a different angle and I distinctly remember physically standing still as if any movement would halt the song. Then, embarrassingly, I cried. I admit to being a crybaby, but I’ve never cried in the middle of the street because I was so lost in my thoughts and the music. I didn’t realize a song you’ve heard before and never paid much attention to could evoke such strong feelings and new streams of thoughts. 

My Tears Ricochet makes me think of a heartbreak over friendship and leaving people behind. The lines, “You wear the same jewels that I gave you as you bury me” leave me pondering how we leave a part of ourselves in others and in their memory the same way we have chapters dedicated to different people in our story as well. The phrase, “I didn’t have it in myself to go with grace” is somewhat upsetting to me. Not because it isn’t written incredibly well, ripping the rug from under you, but because it feels unnecessarily apologetic. It is the epitome of girlhood and a common experience when you’re expected to be a bigger person and you feel the need to apologize for not being graceful enough despite the circumstances. It is maddening how all us can relate to it even when it’s not needed. The saying “hurt people hurt people” perfectly encapsulates the song’s title where tears ricochet is the pain that we inflict on others as a response to our own feelings being hurt. 

The lyrics, “I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home” make such an impact where “home” isn’t necessarily a physical place, but a concept of something or someone familiar and comfortable. I see it in estranged people in our lives who at some point were the closest, but who we can never come back to, since they’re always meant to stay in our past. 

There’s something inherently sad about grieving over someone who is still alive and not having that distinct ending to your story. It’s as if the chapter ended and you are left wondering if their character will appear again as a guest or a cameo. In many ways it’s worse when they’re within reach, but aren’t at the same time. It’s hurtful knowing this relationship’s ending is a choice made by the two of you.

My Tears Ricochet is poetry in the form of a song and I think lyrics can be yours or anyone else’s when you see your own story in them. I find it wholesome how we interpret Taylor Swift’s artwork in different ways based on our own experiences and different stages. It is strangely exciting to think about how many milestones are ahead of us and how we will perceive her music at different “eras” in our lives and make new discoveries within ourselves. 

Song Credits: My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift (2020)

Madina Tuleshova

Madina Tuleshova is a Business & Political Science student, Mentor-For-Youth and Potterhead. She is a self-described ultimate enthusiast. She harbors a thirst for knowledge and wants to help tear down the wall of ignorance and ignite change.

INSTAGRAM: @mdinspr


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