Peace of Mind
Peace of Mind
Destigmatize Mental Illnesses
The conversation of mental health is not evident in Asian American communities. While this may sound like an extreme generalization, there is a level of truth in this statement.
Wellness and Self-Love
We forget that so much of this validation is not taught. We are never reminded that we should value and listen to ourselves, not in a narcissistic way, but in one that doesn’t judge us so harshly for who we are.
On Taking a Break
The concept of taking a break, or spending time to work on your mental health, is a challenging idea to balance with the high standards that young PoC often places on themselves.
3 Strategies To Help You Find Comfort In Chaos
Everyone experiences stress and anxiety from time to time, but when survival mode becomes your constant way of being, it can lead to patterns such as eating more or less, inability to sleep, loss of motivation, racing thoughts or constant feelings of panic.
Where is Time For Self-Care in Crisis?
"Self-care feels wrong to me," I remember telling my therapist on a rainy Wednesday evening.
I Forget Mother Loves Me, Sometimes
I haven’t felt this kind of love in a long time, or I just haven’t acknowledged or recognized her love. As a young child, I was bitter all the time.