Peace of Mind
Peace of Mind

I Am More Than My Job
Society has a weird habit of defining people by their occupations and then treating them accordingly.

Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Ambition
Ambition is an essential trait. It’s the fuel we need to keep driving towards our goals. It’s what keeps us motivated. It’s what holds up the bridge between where we are and where we want to be.

Dear Asian Women, Express Your Confidence
Dear Asian women; express your confidence whether others like it or not, appreciate it or not. It’s yours to grow and nurture…

conForm to Confidence
The definition of conformity is “to shape, form, or modify”, suggesting that what is already in existence is meant to change.

How to Gain Confidence
Confidence isn’t something that naturally comes to everyone. Unfortunately, it’s something that takes training, grit, and, funnily, confidence itself.

Why I Unfollowed My Favorite Instagram Influencers
In this article I focus on the South Asian community because it is the one that I belong to, and the one that has affected my decisions.