I Am Who I Say I Am

I Am Who I Say I Am

Self Love
March I Issue Cindy Hsieh March I Issue Cindy Hsieh

Self Love

From my adventures through singleness, one of the most important lessons I have learned is that living in the present doesn’t just mean acknowledging my physical feelings, but also my internal ones.

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A Year of Reflection
March I Issue A. Mana Nava March I Issue A. Mana Nava

A Year of Reflection

Cultivating my writing career has been a great privilege during one of the worst years in the 21st century. I would not have been able to do this without my beautiful community, which continues to grow each day. If it wasn’t for the amazing people in my life, I wouldn’t have found these opportunities or have the mental fortitude to show up every day ready to kick life in the ass. Living through a global pandemic had me appreciate my life more and forced me to move out of my comfort zone because everything was uncertain.

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It Starts with Teeth
March I Issue Guest User March I Issue Guest User

It Starts with Teeth

You go upstairs and look at yourself in the mirror; your waist has turned inward and your stomach has flattened— age has done what no amount of starvation ever could.

She fusses over you like you’re a fragile doll— pushes food your way constantly and watches you eat with nervousness instead of resentment.

You know she’s scared for you, but for the first time in a long time, it feels like she’s calling you beautiful.

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