I Am Who I Say I Am

I Am Who I Say I Am

If That’s Tradition, I Don’t Want It
Elizabeth Lu Elizabeth Lu

If That’s Tradition, I Don’t Want It

Maybe it’s my youth talking, or maybe it’s my Western upbringing; I admit that, but it doesn’t change my belief that some parts of tradition are just, well, wrong.

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Woman, Wife, Widow, Mother, Other?
Nimisha Sharma Nimisha Sharma

Woman, Wife, Widow, Mother, Other?

I have always believed that life experiences change you. With new experiences come new perspectives, new ideas, new people even. It's not a bad thing, we are all work in progress continually throughout our lives.

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The Practice of Belonging
Francis Day Francis Day

The Practice of Belonging

It takes intentionality to belong and isn’t limited to heritage or ethnicity; it’s a shared goal to create and foster mutually supportive relationships with each other.

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