“We can tell our own stories on our own terms” - Michelle Yeoh
A Conversation with Sheryl Au
It’s frustrating, but we need to keep persevering, and we need to stand united if we want to make any good changes in society at large, wherever we might be.
A Conversation with Linda Mai Green
As a biracial Vietnamese/Jewish American, I’ve often felt like an outsider. This has allowed me to play the observer in a lot of social situations, which leads to a lot of questions about why things are the way they are.
A Conversation with Nikki Behjat
Being the daughter of Iranian immigrants and seeing how hard my parents have worked, it's influenced me to always try the best I can do with my films.
A Conversation with Sway Bhatia
I’m so honored to take on the role of Sofi and be a role model for many young girls, especially young girls of color.
A Conversation with Kristine Gerolaga
Kristine Gerolaga is a Filipina American actor and filmmaker from Vallejo, CA currently based in Los Angeles.
A Conversation with Stephanie Drenka
People can/should be elevating stories and voices from people directly impacted by these decisions and issues. They can also help by staying engaged and informed, painful as it can be in this chaotic news cycle. It is natural to become desensitized or burned out, but we have to stay awake. The other side wins when we lose hope.
We are 100% contributor and volunteer based
We are 100% contributor and volunteer based
The ‘Conversations’ section is full of interesting and inspiring conversations we’ve had with other Overachievers. If you are doing something awesome in the AANHPI community, click on the button below to inquire about how you can sit down with us for a conversation!