A Conversation with Nikki Behjat

What inspired you to get into filmmaking?

My earliest memory of drawing was my dad teaching me MS Paint when I was around 3, and I eventually learned Windows Movie Maker to help me create short animations, and realized this was a fun way to tell stories. I was also only allowed to watch cartoons growing up, and because of that, I was drawn to the various stories that were told in the animation medium. Ever since then, I was always drawing and creating short films, eventually wanting to pursue a career in animation in my junior year of high school.

What projects are you proudest of?

I'm really proud of what I was able to accomplish when I made my short film "First Dances! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" I created this film in my senior of high school as part of my film class and my AP art portfolio. I was a self-taught animator at the time, and this film helped me challenge my skills as an animator and a storyteller. I was also able to finish a 7-minute film in 8 months, but I was lucky enough to have some incredible people help me with this project.

What are some challenging parts of your work?

The challenging part for me is being super-detailed-oriented. I have a lot of fun working on different aspects of my films, and it's hard not to get super wrapped up in every little detail.

How do you feel your cultural heritage influences your work?

Being the daughter of Iranian immigrants and seeing how hard my parents have worked, it's influenced me to always try the best I can do with my films. In Persian culture, we are also super close with our families. Because I have a close relationship with my extended family, I've used them as inspiration and even named some of my characters after them.

What advice do you have for aspiring filmmakers?

Try to learn as much about the film making experience as possible! Attend festivals, even if your film isn't selected! You'll have the chance to network with some incredibly talented filmmakers and even find some great films that can inspire your own work! Also, take a bunch of different classes! Whether it's an art class, a film class, or an acting class, take classes that will help you broaden your filmmaking skills.

As an Overachiever, it can be difficult to allow yourself - or even remember - to make time to relax. How do you take care of yourself?

I often spend time with my family and friends, watch a couple episodes of my favorite show, or experiment with makeup!

Whatโ€™s next for you?

I'm working on finishing my latest film, which I'm excited about since it incorporates a lot of my Iranian-American culture. I'll also attend my junior year at SVA, and we'll work on our collaborative films in the fall semester!

Finally, we ask this question of every interviewee: what do you think the biggest problem facing Asian women and non-binary people today is?

I think the biggest problem is that people only see stereotypes, and many of us have had to deal with real-life consequences. So what's been very refreshing to see is a lot of Asian creators in front and behind the camera telling authentic relatable stories breaking the mold of what Asian people can achieve. The Long Goodbye, Turning Red, Ms. Marvel, and Everything Everywhere All at Once are a few of my favorite films/shows!

Share anything else here:

For more of my work, you can find me on instagram @nikkibehjat!


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