Interview with Hitha

Introduce yourself! 

I am a 15 year old musical artist. I love to sing, perform and inspire people! I started singing when I was 4 years old and have been learning and growing my music style and writing since then.  My grandmother influenced me and made me realize my love for music.

Music is the best way to reach people directly and share thoughts and emotions. I want to bring awareness to many issues embedded in society. A lot of my music is about the everyday issues of youth. I want them to feel inspired by music and keep going.

You have a single, “Lost,” coming out soon.  What is “Lost” about? 

Lost is about finding our place in the world. It is about understanding who we are and who we are meant to be and what our passions are. It is also about allowing ourselves to be surrounded by people who support us and will be there for us. Searching for those who will encourage us to follow our dreams.

Our world today is chaotic and divided. I hope 'Lost' helps everyone realize that there's so much more, and we can be so much stronger if we stand together and support each other, rather than push each other away. We can help each other; we can build each other up instead of break each other down.

 Where do you find inspiration for your songs?  What is your songwriting process like?

I find inspiration for my songs everywhere. There is so much to talk about, especially now. Honestly, the hardest part for me is figuring out what to write from all the options I have. This world could use a lot of inspiration and improvement. My songwriting process consists of me sitting in my backyard, staring at something until a melody or a line comes into my head. After the first step is complete, the rest is a breeze. With more practice, it becomes easier and easier to start the creative flow.

 Your latest song, “We Will Last,” seems to be directly in response to the hard times we are going through in 2020.  How have you been in this pandemic?  How has it affected your artistry?

We are experiencing challenges that have never been faced before, and sometimes all we need is someone telling us that it will be okay, that WE WILL LAST. Being in this pandemic, things are happening completely different than they would before, but some things are the same. For instance, my song writing process is the same, but the topics of my songs are more targeted to what is going on today. Also, the production process has changed the most…we can’t just go whenever and wherever we want anymore.

 As a young woman artist of color and activist,  what do you feel are the biggest issues we face?  What do you hope for change in the future?

The biggest issue we face is the lack of acceptance in our society. Being able to accept people for who they are would solve many of the problems in our world. Instead of characterizing everyone into specific boxes, we need to accept the uniqueness of everyone and grow. This would bring representation in all communities and decrease the discrimination many face as people of color, women, or for being in the lgbtq+ community.

What does self care mean to you?  How do you take care of yourself? 

Self-care for me comes in many forms. Sometimes, it is about reading a good book while eating ice cream, and sometimes, it is singing to myself in my room. I define self care as doing what makes me happy. It is different for everyone. 

Some rapid fire questions: 

Your go-to coffee shop order? 

Iced vanilla latte with sweet cream foam and extra ice.

Right or left-handed? 


Music you’re listening to right now? 


Dream travel location?

Maldives or Italy (again).

What has been the highlight of your day today? 

I started a new book that I really like.


What is next for you? 

Everything, but for now, my tour in India and a couple new releases.


Kate Anderson-Song

Kate Anderson-Song is on the editorial team at Overachiever Magazine. She is a NYC-based writer, artist, and performer, with a background in Cinema Studies & Drama from New York University. You can find Kate on Instagram @k8andersonsong and @thek8pages where she posts her art, and you can find more of her work (and tons of other great stuff) here at Overachiever Magazine!


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