In My Body
In My Body

Beauty Is Choosing To Love
I used to take ballet classes. Every week I’d put on my little pink shoes, wrinkled like pruney skin where canvas met elastic.

Deconstructing Beauty and the Notion of ‘Power’
Beauty, and her sisters Fashion and Health, have frequented media platforms since the dawn of time. Not every woman is interested in beauty, but women’s media would have you convinced otherwise.

TV-Character Inspired Makeup Looks (Part 1)
Like most people, I’ve watched a lot of TV shows. Since I’m an only child, I didn’t have anyone to play or fight with growing up.

Holiday Glam
It’s important we help keep tradition alive. If we lose tradition, we lose our roots and risk forgetting what generations before have done.

The Self Care Machine: A Critical Thought Piece on Self Care Consumerism in 2019
Why is everyone so obsessed with Self Care? In 2019 it’s all about counterculture and Self Care presents itself as such, but is it really effective in countering the culture?

Fall Outfit Essentials
If you’re in an area where you have colder weather, then you’ll get to experience the pumpkin spice lattes, leaves changing, wearing jackets outside and taking pictures.