In My Body

In My Body

The 2020 Issue Disha Satwani The 2020 Issue Disha Satwani


From using the first ever made pad in 1919 by Woolworths, Chicago to the 21st century of menstrual cups and tampons, women have come a long way through PMS, cravings, chocolates, painkillers, overnight pad belt, homemade pads of cloth...covering this all up so that no one can see this - the beauty she projects, the beauty her blood projects, all under the period shame.

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When a Tiger Mom Meets a Penguin
The 2020 Issue X.H. Collins The 2020 Issue X.H. Collins

When a Tiger Mom Meets a Penguin

I’m your poster child of an overachiever. Being the oldest of three in the family and with parents who lacked the opportunity to fulfill their dreams and potentials, I am the one who needs to make it. And I do, if you measure “it” with the years spent in the ivory tower and the degrees up in my sleeves.         

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