Fighting for Yourself: Finding and Maintaining Self-Worth

With more people speaking out on mental health challenges online, the question of coping mechanisms arises. This is when self-care comes in. Self-care is delicately balancing self-accountability, self-awareness and self-compassion. Humans are complex beings, yet it’s crucial to set boundaries, within yourself and those near and dear. We somehow expect people to have an in-built modicum of respect and integrity when it comes to reaching out to people, even among those who know us best. Safe to say most of us have had and/or continue to have anecdotal instances of unintentional and/or subsequent override of personal boundaries- from non-urgent phone calls in the wee hours in the morning or during important assignments eliciting a momentary life or death situation. No one should be treated as an unofficial 24 hour call center at the expense of their well-being 

With instant gratification being integral in our fast-paced society, people tend to overlook recovery, rest and progression when it comes to achieving their goals. Everyone deserves to be reassured that they are loved and worthy. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned the importance of exercising self-discernment and responsibility to be the healthiest version of myself. I recognize how crucial it is to fully take charge of my well-being and not let any person or situation deplete my sanity. It has also helped me stand my ground and address situations on a neutral note, as opposed to siding with one party. My generation continues to do amazing jobs at being pioneers of movements on much needed subjects of conversations, with the help of various resources and social media. 

Forming a self-care routine is a matter of finding things that you enjoy and uplifts your spirits. I enjoy swimming (given that I’m not on my period), working out at my apartment gym and boxing, a new found interest in fashion photography (shooting friends for now), laughing at my own jokes, exploring new places in Bangkok, connecting with people both in-person and digitally with shared interests and views of female empowerment, social and ethnic justice, pop culture and our love-hate relationship with social media. I also have an odd habit of binge watching food shows when I’m intermittent fasting *giggles*

Anjalika Padmottara

Anjalika Padmottara is a Singaporean/Tibetan global citizen. She is a fresh Fashion Communications graduate navigating the post college world one step at a time. Anjalika is interested in fitness, health, self care, fashion (hence the degree) and reading. Like most millennials, she's on the pulse of current social movements and the latest fashion trends. Anjalika was raised by a single mom, who's far from the stereotypical Asian Mom we all a little too well about. She taught Anjalika to be progressive by embracing new ideas, resilient, kind, compassionate and assertive. Anjalika isn't afraid to make her voice heard and to shatter glass ceilings.

INSTAGRAM: @justjalika


Deconstructing Self-Care Culture


The Self Care Machine: A Critical Thought Piece on Self Care Consumerism in 2019