The Wellness Issue: Art Roundup

Each issue we feature the wonderful art created by the many diverse and talented Asian womxn around the world. Here are this issue’s pieces!

(Below) Artist: Rachel Y. Chung

IG: @yumiincolor 

(Above from left to right)

“Maesil Tea” 
Medium: Gouache and colored pencil

This painting was inspired by a very special tea that my mother would make for me growing up. It’s a Korean plum tea called “Maesil” tea. It helps to soothe stomach aches and relax the body. I had often struggled with some stomach pain and so this tea has often come in handy for bringing some relief. It has a citrus taste mixed with a honey-like sweetness. I’ve often said that it tastes like a warm lemonade which sounds gross but actually tastes super yummy. It’s a delicious drink with wonderful health benefits! 

“Gratitude Tastes Like Citrus” 
Medium: Gouache

If gratitude had a flavor what would it taste like? For me it would taste like oranges and lemons because gratitude can bring sweetness to the sour things in life. By associating taste with thankfulness it brings to mind a tangible representation of gratitude. Allowing the heart to be rooted in the reality that there are always things to be thankful for. To have a grateful perspective in life leads into hope. A hope to live in the everyday, present moments, that is offered to all of us. This painting was created as a visual expression of gratitude being offered as a gift.

"My Grandma's Chickens" Medium: Gouache, colored pencil and gold watercolor 

This painting was inspired by an embroidery piece that my grandma had made when she lived in Korea. I took elements from the painting and made it into my own. 

"My Grandpa's Rose Bush" Medium: Gouache and colored pencil 

Since quarantine I have had a lot of time to explore my home. This painting is an expression of reimaging my surroundings by engaging with wonder and delight. This depicted area is a part of my house where my grandpa had planted a little garden with a beautiful rose bush that blooms every spring. It's a place I have become more familiar with than ever before.


“23” by Elizabeth Chung

Medium: fabric and acrylic paint

Artist: Devika Bahadur (Above)


Ways to keep your body and mind happy


The Wellness Issue: Miss Demure