ripples of what was

Title: ripples of what was - a self portrait

Medium: oil on canvas

Artist: Devika Bahadur

Instagram: db_artartist

Artist statement: an expression of a past self in a ripple effect translates a world that has gradually become louder and then quieter again.

Devika Bahadur

Devika is a strong and resilient Art and Design PhD student, with an exemplary outlook and attitude towards her research in home - making and lived experiences of displaced people in India. Her understanding of “recreating a home away from home” has thematised and inspired her recent artworks as she has identified that the phenomenon of recreating home became apparent during the Covid-19 pandemic when people were often emotionally affected as they returned to remote workplaces, often away from their family homes. Devika has also established a robust methodological framework for her research that is guided by the phenomenological principles of conveying the lived experience of displaced people in India who seek to recreate homes away from home by introducing innovative methods for gathering data through drawing observations and soundscapes and intends to showcase a better understanding to offer a deep-dive into these lived experiences. The artwork “Ripples of what was- a self portrait” signifies the first lockdown of the aforementioned phenomenon.


Patricia Aquino Photography


Art Roundup: The Not Afraid to Say It Issue