The Macro Impacts of Micro-Aggressions
TW: discusses themes of sexual assault and sexual harassment
With the recent rise of a variety of empowering movements such as #MeToo, major news forums and other media outlets have began to discuss the major issue of sexual assault against women in several occurances such as the infamous Brock Turner case and the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.
Cat-Calling: What We Need To Teach Our Kids
Cat-Call—the word seems benign, no? However, cat-calls, also known as the harassment of women walking by a man or group of men, is anything but benign.
Top 10 Indo-Asian Foods You've Got To Try
Indo-Asian foods are diverse with a variety of different ingredients and spices used to create unique tastes in each region.
Systemic Oppression and Harassment of Women In Central Asia
While sexual harassment is a global issue and must be discussed everywhere, Central Asia is at a whole other level of harassment issues. With recent events and social movements, more women are finding the courage to stand up against abusers, harassers and call them out by saying their experiences out loud.