

Culture & Activism, Fashion, Home, Op-Eds, The Cultural Appropria... Samantha Chai and Sophia Elsom Culture & Activism, Fashion, Home, Op-Eds, The Cultural Appropria... Samantha Chai and Sophia Elsom

Fashion Week or Fashion Weak?

To what extent are there demographic differences in defining cultural appropriation, using fashion in America as a case study? Major magazine industries, such as Vogue and other designer brands, have recently been under fire for using various Asian cultural motifs.

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Fashion, Home, Style, The Cultural Appropria... Zahin Quayyum Fashion, Home, Style, The Cultural Appropria... Zahin Quayyum

Normalizing Ignorance in the Fashion Industry

Cultural appropriation is defined as the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of a people or society by members of another, typically more dominant group of people or society. Cultural appropriation has become a new medium for ignorance in social media, and, more recently, in fashion.

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