2020 Election Coverage: VP Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris’ name has been at the forefront of all news outlets over the past month as it was announced that she would be Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden’s running mate. There is no denying that this is a historic moment as she is the first African-American and South Asian female to be in this position. Nevertheless, this historic moment was met with opposition on all fronts given her track record as California’s attorney general. This component of the conversation is a testament to the flaws within electoral politics as we are forced to be complacent with the lesser of two evils. By idolizing her as someone who broke the glass ceiling, we perpetuate a narrative that allows the general public to excuse all of her wrongdoings during her time as attorney general. As many folks on social media claim to be progressive, we cannot claim that title if we fail to call out the wrongdoings even within the party that we support. For there to be any progressive future, we must center our conversations on how we can empower our communities and that includes accountability. 

Harris’ track record is not necessarily squeaky clean as progressive media and celebrities have portrayed her to be. She has made deliberate decisions that would impact communities of color. In 2011, Harris supported legislation that would prosecute parents if their children are continuously missing school. There were concerns that this would disproportionately impact low-income, communities of color. Nevertheless, she advocated for this bill and claimed that it was successful in San Francisco (Hing, 2011, para. 3). She cannot claim to be an advocate for communities of color if she enforces a system that criminalizes poverty and families who have their own obligations. 

Leftists and several candidates during the Democratic debates have pointed out Harris’ complicity in the mass incarceration of Black and Brown folks. She has consistently stood on the side of the oppressor as she has interfered with cases that would keep Black and Brown folks in prison. An example of this involves the case of a death row inmate, Kevin Copper. The trial was “marred by racism and misconduct” and Harris tried to stop him from “getting a DNA test to prove his innocence. It wasn’t until this act of injustice was broadcasted to the rest of the nation that Harris allowed the DNA test to be performed (S.A. Miller The Washington Times, 2019, para. 28). This is only one example in a long list of major errors made during her time as attorney general. Harris is not an exception to the list of politicians who have masked their mistakes with their “progressive reforms.” Others may argue that individuals are able to change their stances and perspectives on specific issues. While I do believe this to be true, there needs to be a level of acknowledgment and accountability that demonstrates this personal growth. She has continuously changed the narrative when one criticizes her about the issue and diverts the conversation to discuss her accomplishments.

As a student activist, I recognize the importance of voting and making sure that folks head to the polls. I encourage folks to head to the polls and participate in our democratic process. However, I am also someone who personally dislikes electoral politics. The “settle for Biden” campaign that is evident on social media reinforces the flaws of electoral politics. Especially the white folks who amplify this mantra, please do not harass BIPOC folks who choose not to vote because we deserve better. I look forward to the day where we do not have to choose between the lesser of two evils because our communities have suffered enough.

Ashley Chen

Ashley Chen is the political columnist for Overachiever Magazine. She’s an undergraduate student from New York majoring in Political Science. Her activism is centered upon voter education and civic engagement. Her other areas of interest would include educational equity, reproductive rights, gentrification, climate change and the list goes on. In her free time, she loves to watch films and create collages.

Instagram: @ash.leyyyy


2020 Election Coverage: The Flaws of Electoral Politics


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