The Political Issue: Poetry Roundup

Each issue we feature pieces of prose and poetry from Asian womxn around the world. Here are this issue’s pieces!

Untitled by Keana Aguila Labra

These are what take its place when it is too much to carry, for
where can I lay down what doesn’t fit across the universe of palms?
My mother keeps her prayer book near her chest,
in the hopes of scaring away the demons that refuse to spare her.

The color of champions was always a stark green
these are what take its place when it is too much to carry, for
what is freedom if not determined by colors?
Where can I lay down what doesn’t fit across the universe of palms?

My mother keeps her prayer book near her chest,
her childhood tucked beneath her eyelids
in the hopes of scaring away the demons that refuse to spare her.
The bones laid down become a path to tread.

A silent promise:
I will grow beyond the scars left by those before us.

“Unveiling the Cracks” by Kirsten Elyse Melo Ongkeko

More than ever, the strings are being pulled
A virus, lurking unseen, unveiling the cracks in the brick
Of which our society and government is founded upon.
They have always been present, overlooked.
These flaws become ideal cards to be played with.
The hand that our leaders were dealt have been the means utilized for self gain.
A pandemic of disastrous proportions has been creeping behind the curtain, silently reining;
Marginalization and apathy is rooted in the pillars that have held us up.
We are who keep the system turning, even a broken one.
Ignorance is corruption's best friend.
Truth has always been a blurry construct synthesized by those in power.
But now that we no longer see what we want to see...
Shall we proceed to find solace in the personal veil of our indifference?
Develop our criticality in the leaders we select moving forward? 


The Colorism Issue: Poetry Roundup


The Independence Issue: Poetry Roundup