“re-ignition” Daniella Ignacio Poetry

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“tired during change” 

they turn to us when there’s a battle to fight. 

they hope that we can shine a light. 

and they call us the movers and the shakers

but what if my legs are shaking too much? 

to not be able to lift up your own voice

while you’re lifting up others, 

how could you truly speak up? 

to not have a clear sense of mission 

despite being in a mission-driven group, 

how could you know where we’re going? 

i’m tired during change, 

i’m so angry that there’s no more rage, 

i’m incapable of screaming 

despite a world that forbids me from dreaming. 

because after a certain point, 

living for others is not living.  

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“moment of rest” 

a moment of rest 

doesn’t feel blessed

when you can’t let it be. 

a moment alone 

gets less sad as you become grown 

yet it’s still not as free 

if only i had the will 

to literally just chill. 

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i want to bring my full self to the work

but i only show up halfway 

when i am half of a human 

time and time again, i shrink myself small. 

i was told by all the people who could determine my future 

“be who you are to stand out”

when do you know when you can do that? 

when you aren’t too scared to participate. 

when you feel comfortable in your own skin.

and i do, i know i’m worth something. 

but there’s a difference between 

knowing what you’re worth

and what the system will give you. 

apparently everyone has imposter syndrome 

maybe it’s not just imposter syndrome

even if you do have it

maybe you need to have support 

to show up as your full self.

and maybe it’s not all just from you. 

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“fire and water” 

my inner life is in constant turmoil. 

i always wondered how my chart exists, 

because it’s all over the place. 

how could a fire sign 

also want to be a waterbender? 

but all elements can go too far 

wildfires start with no warning 

earthquakes shake up lives 

and the sea can’t be restrained 

so how do i reconcile

my fiery heart

with my grounded brain 

and the waves of my perception? 

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“freedom to be”

what is a good story 

without a conflict? 

it’s the hallmark of any creative act, 

it’s what drives the plot further, 

it’s how anyone grows and develops. 

but if all i do is search for conflict, 

see what needs to be fixed, 

and try to stop struggles, 

i will always struggle. 

liberation is a constant fight 

but it doesn’t have to always hurt. 

you need to rest before you can revolt, 

you need to live in between before you can be,

you need to reflect before you continue to connect. 

maybe it’s time to do things differently, 

see things i didn’t think i’d see, 

touch and go with the ebb and flow

so i can find a sense of peace.  

sometimes you deserve just the freedom to be. 

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This collection is the product of over five years of revisiting poetry as a form of creative writing. It tackles themes of coming to terms with burnout, growing up as a 20-something, figuring out what I bring to the world, reigniting my creativity, and trying to not be a human tornado. My poetry is inspired by the same spirit that channels the lyrics in my songwriting, which is influenced by Gen Z singer-songwriters I love to listen to. I hope some of the lessons I’ve learned can resonate with others.

About the Poet

Daniella Ignacio (she/her) is a Filipina American writer, theatre artist, and musician from northern N.J., now based in Washington, D.C. She holds multiple B.A.’s in Musical Theatre and Journalism from American University and is the Communications Manager at Ford's Theatre. Bylines include American Theatre Magazine, D.C. Theater Arts, AAJA Defined, D.C. Theatre Scene and The Eagle. Creative writing was how she started creating to begin with, and she continues to write poetry and songs as inspiration strikes. When she’s not being the busiest person alive, she loves learning new instruments, journaling and exploring her city.


Instagram: @daniella.ignacio

Twitter: @daniellai34

Facebook: @daniella.celine

Website: www.daniellaignacio.com  


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