My Fearest and Dearest

Dear, fearful Person/feared Person:

Do you hate me for who I am?

No. it’s just-

you only love me when I’m the person I’m not-

the person you’re not,

is the person I know myself to be.

In a world, alone.

No one to stay and love me properly.

I could fold every earlobe, cement it shut,

there’s no more noise forever,

the gentlest of hums barely registers


I cannot unhear myself.

Though I’ve heard you on repeat for centuries

I could erase the aroma of baí hūa yóu, crisp cut citrus belly,

bamboo leaves, steamed pillowy noodles-

give in to sickening sweetness, force fed dullness,

placid processed flesh


I cannot forget my own flesh.

Though you snarl, how disgusting

I could blind my eyes and lie I can’t see-

though I see gray the whole time-

I can feed you lies, sold as truth


I cannot lie to myself.

Though you lie and lie to my face

How can you hate me for who I am?

No. it’s just-

you don’t see how you love me-

when you’re the person you could be,

the person I know myself to be.

In a world divided.

Is no one sorry?


Learn to love me properly.

I could break into a thousand bones splintered,

crushed to dust, scattered whisps

break across an ocean drift.


I cannot destroy myself.

Though I’ve tried, it’s just pain gone wild

I could numb every nerve, firing synapse,

electrify this vascular vessel of chemicals,

precision lobotomy- I forgot, and forget

to prepare, propaganda’s future, algorithm feelings


I can feel myself, with dopamine, glittering galaxy of amines.

Though you tell me I’ll never feel again

I could rip each bud, buffer, buffs

tongue impossibly smooth wipes clean away,

infinite flavors of youth, of love, that turn bitterness sweet,

cheaply paraded as your own


I can taste myself from the worn, tan relentless hands of HER,

through HEr,

through Her,


through her

Though you to promise to chain her into submission

You can’t hate me for who I am.

No. it’s just-

you will love me for the person you’re becoming-

the person you are,

is the person I know myself to be.

In this world alone?

No. One together.

To stay and love properly.

Evelyn Kuang

Dr. Evelyn Kuang is a Chinese-American musician, composer, and doctorally prepared Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner based in New York City. She is passionate about storytelling through impressionist neoclassical instrumental piano compositions. She believes in the power of music as healing therapy; to subliminally express, process and resolve emotions. She is currently working on a full length album which she plans to release next year.

With over 10 years of professional experience of clinical practice and teaching, Dr.Kuang is passionate about trauma informed care, intersectional mental health for people of color with a focus on Asian Americans. Since 2019, she has been working at Charles B. Wang Community Health Center (CBWCHC) where she treats underserved Asian diaspora. In the past year, she created and spearheaded a TaskForce to StopAsianHate in 2021 for CBWCHC, gave workshops and seminars on Racial Trauma, was a Panelist for National Summit for Immigrant Children and Families and a subject expert recently featured in the news Spectrum NY1 regarding Mental Health of Asian American youth.

IG: @baobae7




A Tale as Old as Time