Hardly Seen Always Noticed

Silence, but it’s really growth.

Non verbal wins that no one understands.

Hours of self presence.

It’s a state of mind that fumes inner peace.

Hardly seen, but always noticed,

it’s a concept many refuse, likely due to self-arrogance.

She lives in the creation of her own ambience,

lights are lit and dimmed when needed.

There’s no desire to be like the rest,

just the urge to stay consistent.

It’s a path of choice.

It’s the path of silent growth.

Reubena Writes

Reubena is a current honors pre-health sciences student pursuing her passion to be an aspiring Physician Assistant. She has had an intimate connection with writing at a very young age and wants her words to serve as the inspiration people aren’t aware they need. Reubena prefers to live a minimal and active lifestyle, exploring things that propose healthy challenges and new opportunities. “You’re the only force behind your goals so blaming others is just another excuse” she says while committing to a range of different activities, creating new work/literature, and juggling her personal wants such as working out everyday. You can continue reading her work on Instagram: @reubena_writes.


Ambitious Girl


Heart Maps