January II Issue: Female Gaze

Each issue we feature some of our readers to highlight the diversity and stories of Asian women and non-binary individuals around the world. Here are these issue’s Overachievers!


Dr. Sara Chong DC, FMP

Founder of Happy Gut Happy Life. She empowers health conscious women of culture heal their gut issues through bridging traditional healing nutrition and techniques into their modern day lifestyles.

Struggling since childhood with undiagnosed digestive issues,(like constipation, gastritis and severe IBS triggering allergies, brain fog and OCD) Dr. Sara found her purpose through her pain and has spent the last 15 years learning, implementing and teaching others how to naturally address these issues.

When she’s not working, Dr. Sara loves spending time with her family enjoying the Hawaiian beaches and mountain trails, along with creating traditionally healing and locally inspired dishes for them to enjoy.

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Elu Aiyana

To create art as a Kurdish woman is a revolution in itself.

This is a gentle reminder that today still Kurdish people end up in jail, get killed and undergo ethnic cleansing for centuries , are not allowed to speak their own language or practice their dances without risking their lives. Women being the most marginalized in this patriarchal system.

As a child of the diaspora , I did grow up with a lot of privileges , but lost in between worlds, so here’s my voice to show you all we women rise and we are here. Resilient, beautiful and strong.

My art is my expression and gateway of connection. My art is how I relate to the world but also how I relate to myself , which translates into multiple disciplines like tattooing and visual art. The deeper I enter this symbiosis the more I recognize that it is my ancestors footsteps that I am stepping in. My art is here to honor those that came before us and those that are.

Socials: @eluaiyanaart


February I Issue: Female Gaze


January I Issue: Female Gaze