The Skincare Issue: Female Gaze

Each issue we feature Asian women from all walks of life. Here are this issue’s ladies!


“My name is Monika, and I’m a PhD student in the Northeast US that’s studying molecular neurobiology for my thesis research. I’ve been in the Northeast US for my entire life, and adapting my skincare regimen to the changing seasons has been challenging throughout my 20s. I had basically perfect skin in my teens but then developed issues with both acne and eczema as an adult.

I use a Western skincare regimen that works pretty well for me, but it’s only gotten that way through lots of trial and error for me. Although I’m light-skinned, I still have so many issues with hyperpigmentation with any sort of scarring, have had to make up regimens that don’t seem to make any sense on paper with traditional skincare recommendations made in the US cosmetics industry, and also manage the medical component of my dermatological issues that stem from atopic dermatitis.

My skin is still changing now that I’m in my early 30s, but I’ve learned to just accept it for what it is and go with the flow a little more rather than be frustrated that my skin isn’t perfect. Sometimes I wonder what my skin would like if I was born and lived elsewhere in an environment more similar to South Asia, but I’ve learned to adapt and do research to take better care of my skin on my face and body.”


The Asia Issue: Female Gaze


The Colorism Issue: Female Gaze