house rules

Overachiever Magazine is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive online platform which amplifies the voices of API women, non-binary people, and other gender minorities. We strive to discuss a wide range of topics about API culture, entertainment, life, and other social issues faced within our community. Together, we will continue to explore new ideas, perspectives, and learn from each other month after month.

This is what makes OM so unique, and so, we’d like to set some House Rules.

Whether you are new here or are a returning reader, we’d like to remind all of our Overachievers to maintain a high standard of respect in our online community, even and especially if we discuss complex issues. This includes our website, social media, and the comments section! 

Having that said, Overachiever Magazine is not responsible for the words or actions of any participant. By participating in our community, you are solely responsible for your interaction with others and your conduct does not necessarily represent OM as a whole, and Overachiever Magazine reserves the right to remove content and comments which we feel violate our House Rules.

inclusivity statement

Overachiever Magazine is a place of respect. We will not allow hateful speech on our platform, meaning, that we will not tolerate language that is obscene, profane, hurtful, or discriminatory to others. The vision for OM was to cultivate a diverse and inclusive online platform that amplifies the voices of API women, non-binary people, and other gender minorities. We’d like to do everything in our power to share stories from the voices within our group, which will include individuals from: different countries, different heritages and ethnicities, different backgrounds and experiences, different abilities and disabilities, and so so much more. All we ask is that you please respect our contributors, staff, and each other on our platform.

Thank you very much.