Interview with Yashora Samaradivakara (@yashoras)

Photos by Aishath Zee (@eutopian_)



First off – introduce yourself! Could you tell us a little about you, your background and what you do!

My name is Yashora. I’m a Sri Lankan fashion and beauty creative based in Singapore. I create fashion and beauty content on my Instagram page (@yashoras)! 

How did you get into beauty, fashion and social media?

I’ve always used fashion and beauty to express myself. I was a very shy and insecure child so I used the way I dress as an outlet for me express my emotions and thoughts. I’ve also been playing around with makeup since I was 9! I discovered social media while I was in secondary school. It initially started as me posting random stuff with my friends but I started posting more and more ootds (outfit of the day) and I eventually started posting beauty content too.


What does a day in your life look like?

Honestly it depends on what I have to get done. I’m currently in between things as I just recently graduated and I’m just trying to find my place in the world. But I would say for the most part I’m busy filming looks and editing photos/content!

Before becoming a beauty x fashion instagrammer yourself, were there any Asian beauty x fashion bloggers/ instagrammers/ role-models that you admired?

The only account I vividly remember following is @prettyfrowns ! I’ve been following her since she had 10k followers, she now has 240k followers and I’m honestly so proud of how far she has come. I had the pleasure of meeting her a few years ago and she’s as lovely as she is on social media!

Entering the industry of beauty, fashion and social media, were there any challenges you faced?

I always think my biggest competition is myself. I do tend to constantly think that my work isn’t good enough, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it pushes me to think out of the box and try new things. But at times it does get me down so I’ve had to learn to remind myself that what I do is an ongoing process and to be patient with my creativity.


What is the best thing about what you do?

The best things has to be the connections I’ve made with my followers and with brand’s/ companies  that reach out to me! I never started my ig account expecting to reach out to so many people and I’ve also received so many amazing opportunities too.


What are your key beauty and fashion tips for Asian Women?

Beauty: Always wear sunblock, never skip washing your face at the end of the day, avoid dairy!

Fashion: Don't purchase anything that you’re unsure of, clear out your closet every 6 months and invest in pieces that are versatile.

What is your go-to coffee order?

I actually don’t drink coffee regularly (caffeine isn’t the best for your skin) but when I do go to Starbucks I always get a decaf White Chocolate Frappuccino made with soy milk!

What, in your opinion, is the biggest problem facing Asian women today?

I think the biggest challenge would be breaking free of societal expectations and pursuing what we truly desire in our lives. I do think these societal norms are slowly changing as the current generation of Asian women I feel, are really questioning and challenging traditional notions of what is expected of Asian women. We are headed in the right direction but a lot more work has to be done when it comes to breaking down stereotypes and deep rooted sexism and misogyny in our cultures.

Lauren Turner

New Zealand-based international-soul Lauren Turner is on the editorial & design teams at Overachiever Magazine. Best personified by the color orange, you can typically find her in downward-dog, devouring jiăozi by the dozen, studying towards her Masters in Sustainable Development or generally frolicking in the sunshine.

INSTAGRAM: @laurenturner27 / @sumei.creative


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