Interview with Neha Dhull



What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment?

Completing my educational goals.

Winning the title of Miss Central London GB and becoming a Finalist for Miss Great Britain.

Tell us about what you do.

I have an Undergraduate Degree in Social Work. I have worked as a Social Worker with vulnerable children for over 2 years. I am studying a Post Graduate Degree in Law. My professional career is to be a child rights lawyer.

I was a guest speaker at the first Asian Women Festival in England which happened this year.

I am part of the committee of Like Minded Females Network which organises events to empower, and connect women of all backgrounds. This is an award winning organisation for women.

I was a guest speaker at the Urban Muslim Women Show recently. As a feminist British born Indian I support women the empowerment and celebration of women from all backgrounds. 

I am involved in the pageant industry. I won the title of Miss Central London GB. I am a Finalist for Miss Great Britain. The competition has many rounds such as the talent round and charity round. The competition encourages the contestants to raise money for Alex's Wish and Cancer Research. I have already placed in the top for talent and beach body awards. I showcased Bollywood dancing for the talent round as I am a trained Bollywood dancer. I wanted to celebrate and bring my culture into the competition as a British born Indian.

I am the founder of the 'Happy Kids Campaign' where I give educational and fun workshops to provide support and bring happiness to vulnerable children. I work with many charities in England and India. I believe that children are our future so they must be protected.

The title of Miss GB will give me the platform and voice to speak to governmental organisations about the importance of safeguarding and supporting vulnerable children.

​I am passionate about fitness and pilates, I exercise regularly to keep fit and healthy.

What led you to working in this field?

Miss Great Britain is Britain's first and most prestigious pageant.


What is a book you think everyone should read?

'Ask and it is Given' by Esther and Jerry Hicks . The book is about positivity, positive thinking, always being kind and thoughtful towards others, the universal laws, and the positive flow of life.

Tell us about your education.

I am a LAMDA Medalist in Acting, I have competed in and won many awards in school drama festivals. I have completed my Level 3 Diploma in Acting, and have completed an Onscreen Acting course. I have trained in Bollywood dancing.

I was a peer mentor , and year head at my school. I was part of the debating team at my school. I was very active in school, I also used to give talks to my peers about feminism.

Who inspires you?

My mother is my biggest inspiration. My mother dedicated 15 years of her life supporting children with disability. She inspired me to become a child rights lawyer. She is my biggest support, my strength, my guide through the journey of my life.

What advice do you have for women looking to go into the same field?

My advice would be to be yourself. The competition is an amazing opportunity to feel empowered and to celebrate yourself. The various rounds of the competition enables you to build on your confidence, and build new skills. And you will meet other inspiring women that will be friends for life.

What are some of your goals for the future?

To complete my education and become a child rights lawyer

 To hopefully win the the title of Miss Great Britain.


Neha Dhull is a British Born Indian . She completed her Undergraduate Degree in Social Work. She is now completing her Post Graduate Degree in Law to become a Child Rights Lawyer. She is a founder of the Happy Kids Campaign that provides educational and fun workshops to vulnerable children in England and India. She is on a mission to support vulnerable children as she believes that children are the future. She’s a speaker at many Feminist events. She is Miss Central London GB and is a Finalist for Miss Great Britain.

Crystal Widado

Crystal is a rising sophomore in highschool and a passionate advocate for mental health. She is a volunteer listener for an online emotional hotline for teens and a website community leader in student/career support and self-harm recovery support. In her free time, she enjoys running a Studygram Instagram account and reading.

FInd her at:

INSTAGRAM: @crystalwidado / @nerdlepuff


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