Interview with Charu Suri



What inspires you?

People who are beautiful, in and out, and who seek the beauty in the world.

What is one book everyone should read?

I love all the classics! I’m a fan of Dickens and Tolstoy. My top recommendation would probably be The Little Prince

Who is an Asian woman that you look up to?

I have a deep respect for Arundhati Roy, the author of The God of Small Things.

What is something you wish more people knew about you?

If I take a long time to reply to your email or inquiry, it’s because I’m trying to write a meaningful response- I’m not trying to be rude!

How does your heritage influence your career?

My Indian heritage deeply influences my jazz music. My upcoming album, the Book of Raga, is a blend of traditional South Indian Raga and jazz

What is the *worst* advice someone has ever given you?

To try to be someone else.

Describe yourself in three words.

Passionate, determined, and ethical.

What is your go-to coffee order?

A creamy soy latte.

What do you consider to be the biggest problem facing Asian women today to be?

We’re seen as submissive and traditional: but in reality we’re passionate, outspoken fighters


Charu Suri was born in South India. She is a pianist, composer and journalist and released her first original jazz album, Lollipops for Breakfast, in November, which won a Global Music Award. She is currently working on two upcoming albums including "The Book of Ragas" which combines Indian raga idioms and jazz. She is also an award-winning journalist and writes about travel for various publications. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and six-year-old daughter.

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Crystal Widado

Crystal is a rising sophomore in highschool and a passionate advocate for mental health. She is a volunteer listener for an online emotional hotline for teens and a website community leader in student/career support and self-harm recovery support. In her free time, she enjoys running a Studygram Instagram account and reading.

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INSTAGRAM: @crystalwidado / @nerdlepuff


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