Tasneem Cosmetics Review

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to try out some lipsticks from Tasneem Cosmetics. I’ve been a firm believer in the magical powers of lipstick for years, and honestly, my only problem with masks is that I can’t wear lipstick in public anymore. Plague rats (read: anti-maskers), if you’re trying to take this as a license to not wear a mask in public… don’t. There are still plenty of opportunities to wear lipstick in the house, on Zoom calls, to impress your dog, or just to feel alive for a minute, and remember that there is something left to live for.

We took a dark turn for a moment there, but we’re back. These lipsticks are really unique in that they are both in bullet and liquid form! I used the edge of the bullet to line my lips, and the liquid to fill it in. I personally cannot apply liquid without a liner, I always “color outside the lines”, and it’s great to have a two-in-one. Another option is to apply the bullet normally, blot with a tissue, and then apply the liquid on top for lipstick that lasts all day. The staying powder of this formula is incredible; I am constantly drinking coffee, talking, and applying lip balm, and it lasted through all that and a croissant!

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I sampled Viola, a brick-red, Wewak, a fire-engine-red, and Ishtar, a smooth terracotta brown. I’ve been a sucker for red lipstick for years - I tried it out when I was 14 for the first time and never went back. My shade of choice was always Nars’ Cruella, but I think Wewak may have converted me. It’s the perfect, brightening shade for a Zoom date (or an in-person one, if you live outside the US and aren’t still living in constant fear of the virus). Viola is an excellent confidence booster. While Viola is a bright, pure red, Wewak has those blue undertones that make your teeth seem brighter, and your face a little bit less exhausted, which I could definitely use these days. If you’re looking for something a little bit more subdued, Ishtar is HERE for you. It’s difficult for me to find a cool-toned nude lipstick that doesn’t completely wash me out, which is something a lot of my Asian ladies struggle with. Our skin has yellow, almost golden undertones, so cool tones can sometimes make us look like, to put it lightly, we’re undead. Ishtar doesn’t play that. It’s the cosmetic equivalent of a blazer - it makes you look, and more importantly feel, polished, put-together, and professional.

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I honestly adored these lipsticks. They’ve been added to my daily rotation, and whether I’ve got a class, a meeting, or am just flexing on Snapchat, they’re the first shades I reach for. Here is the link to shop the full line!

Rehana Paul

Rehana Paul is an Indian-American journalist and food blogger.  She founded Overachiever Magazine in 2018 to give a voice to Asian women from all over Asia, living all around the world.


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