Long Live the Bleeders

One of the most embarrassing things for young bleeders is to leak through a menstrual product in a public place. It's common to bleed through your pants, yet terrifying. Claiming your natural  bodily functions has always felt weirdly…unnatural. I have seen people boldly walk with a tampon in hand while others shy into the bathroom. I personally have been hunched over in school hallways or on bathroom floors trying to rid myself of a menstrual cramp that is tearing my insides.

But just like in life, there is no manual to dealing with symptoms and side-effects. An unconventional way is free bleeding. It is the intentional action of letting your flow bleed in public without the coverage or protection from any menstrual product. It may sound graphic but it holds a heavy message… just like your uterus. The concept of free bleeding has many layers. It challenges the stigma and taboos around menstruating, is used to protest against the inaccessibility of products and education, draws attention to the capitalist greed in prices of products, and brings attention to the environmental issues around the toxicity from disposable products.

I believe that your period is a time of rest. Unfortunately, not everybody has the opportunity to let their body peacefully rejuvenate. So having a choice in comfort is the next best thing. And the relief in not blocking the flow of blood is like releasing yourself from the burden of period-shaming.

Medihah Merchant

Medihah Merchant is a recent graduate of Human Rights and Social Justice from Carleton University. While pursuing the path to law school and interning at OM, she likes to use her knowledge and experience from her degree in creative manners. And as an ambivert she enjoys deep intellectual conversations that lead to brain-hurting revelations and epiphanies.


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