NP Station

As far back as I can remember, I have always been fond of stories. My parents used to read to me as a kid, and I picked up that habit early on. When I joined school, we had “20-mins per day” reading assignments which proved quite easy to me. I spent more than an hour in a day reading my favorite books, both fiction and non-fiction. At school, during recess, I used to share my thoughts of a book to my friends and that became an everyday practice. We used to discuss what books we were reading and sometimes we also exchanged books. That lead to my YouTube Channel – “NPStation” where I do book reviews for kids. I make notes as I read a book, all interesting stuff that I can share without revealing a mystery, or spoiling something. Once I am done reading the book, I come up with a video-pitch and share with my parents. That later gets recorded, edited and published on my channel. When I launched my channel, my videos were published without any editing. But then my parents started exploring better ways of video-publishing and we are using all sorts of tools like a green-screen, a hidden mic and a software editor. All this takes lot of time and effort, but we all love what we do and I am so happy when a video gets published and my friends see it and we talk about it at school.

A couple of years back, I got this book, ‘Girls Who Code’ written by Reshma Saujani as a Christmas present. I was new to coding and this book was an eye-opener. It was easy to understand for a beginner and a 10-year-old. I was certain many kids would love to learn about coding and I started a video series called “#CodingForKids” on my channel. I did 4 videos for this book alone and broke it down to several interesting aspects of programming that was explained in detail. These videos were noticed by the #GirlsWhoCode team and Reshma herself. They promoted my videos and also invited me to attend their event in the Maryland State House where I got to meet the Governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan who sat down with me and watched my channel. There has been no stopping since then. I have read and reviewed all of the Girls Who Code books. I started to learn a bit more about coding through #KhanAcademy and #Tynker. I also did a small #JavaScript project for my #STEMFair at school which I enjoyed a lot.

To be good at coding, you will also need to be good at math and I was thinking how I can make it fun to learn math. That is when I came across Vedic Mathematics and there are so many cool tricks that will make Math Fun and Easy. And of course I shared some of those tricks as well on my channel.

With my channel I want to spread the love for reading and get more and more kids to read more books. I get a lot of inspiration from following Reshma Saujani and I look up to her as my role model and mentor. I also follow Sal Khan of Khan Academy and Krishna Vedati of Tynker. They have achieved so much by spreading the love of learning and I want to follow in their footsteps.

Find me on: Youtube:




Kaitlin Cheung

Kaitlin Cheung is currently a student at Rutgers University where she studies chemistry. In her free time she enjoys photography, fencing, and trying her hand at writing. In the future she would like to work in medicine, and travel the world.

Instagram: @kaitlincheung_


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